The morning breeze has secrets to tell you, don't go back to sleep ~ Rumi ~ ♥ RAWR! - Pulse Necklaces Inc. RLV Exclusive @ FaMESHed - Open April 1 - April 27 After the event available @ RAWR! Mainstore ♥ Versois et Mailloux - Vem Coquette The VeM Coquette is rigged for Kupra, Legacy, Maitreya, and Reborn and come in 15 Colors Available @ VeM Mainstore ♥ Versois et Mailloux - VeM Marquisette Body Gems The Gems are for Kupra, Legacy, Maitreya, and Reborn - are HUD driven with 15 diamond colour choices. Available @ VeM Mainstore * Sintiklia - Fien Hairstyle