The body says what words cannot ♥ eXxEsS : Bodysuit No.4 New Release - Available for Reborn, LaraX, PetiteX, Legacy, Perky. Hud color textures ♥ [BE] Beauty Essence - Paisley Tattoo BOM - Evox 60%-80%-100% + White Tintable * YORKE- Kissy Earrings * S-CLUB DANA FATPACK HAIR
I ain't afraid to love a man, ain't afraid to shoot him either ♥ POISON ROUGE -Anger Hat Exclusive @ ShotGun Event - May 19 - June 16 * Kaithleen's Wildie Crop Shirt * TETRA - Riot Ripped Jeans * .NONNATIVE - BOY BYE PONYTAIL * NaaNaa's Martoti Necklace * CAPRICE-Diamond Hoops